Phew.....I realize now why I have never really kept up with a diary. Life goes zooming by it takes effort to sit and type it out. Anyhow...without regressing too much there has been much going on since Easter when I last posted. Aria has started pre-school and seems to have adjusted well to that and ballet once a week which she loves. She is also going to be a big sister come January and we are doing what we can to get her, and us, ready for that. The only way I am actually able to write this is I have put my foot down on this whole no napping thing. She needs it (I need it) so I was fighting the battles she would give me to NOT take one and would give up. But after tons of support and frequent mommy meltdowns I decided that I can put up with 30 min. of a tantrum for her to take a nap. Lo and behold it worked today. I put her down after a morning filled with 1.5 of jumpy playhouse time and a playdate at the park for a little over and hour. It took about 20 min. but she did fall asleep and that was the point. Gold star for mommy today!
We have only taken one trip this Summer and that was to Idyllwild which we really enjoyed and aria did great trekking around so we are hoping to do a future camping trip soon. It was beautiful there and cooler so that was nice. The weather here in the desert is also starting to cool, especially the mornings getting closer to the beautiful winters here. Aria's big 3rd birthday is coming this sunday so we are gearing up for that and I have been busy with that the past couple of weeks. So I will leave there as we will be posting after the big birthday bash!