Friday, November 2, 2012

Fun times

Luke is starting to say bye bye and wave. He loves clapping and does it to show he is happy. Aria is such a big helper now wanting to help me wih everything and anything. Halloween was fun and aria really enjoyed it this year. She was really excited to go to as many houses as she could. Our little leopard and scarecrow were adorable and the memories were wonderful. We are looking forward to next weekend and our trip to Riverside where daddy and aria will run again. This time aria is going to compete and has actually been training. Very exciting!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lots of changes

To put it bluntly much has changed since the last post. I am simply writing b/c I have a quick chance and wanted to document a couple things so there is not enough time to update since Lukes birth. We have basically been doing it with pictures instead of writing.
-Aria had her first piece of gum (that I know of) yesterday and really enjoyed it. She did not swallow it and did not stick it anywhere! What a big girl she is becoming.
-Luke has started "commando" crawling and getting to things quickly. He is definitely becoming mobile and is so much more wiggly than aria was Lord help us.
-Today Luke is officially 6mo and will have a dr. appt on Monday so we will see stats then but we had a little cake for him and he is officially getting his front left tooth in. Poor little guy is taking it rough.
All in all things are going well and we look forward to a trip to Bham soon!