Monday, July 29, 2013

Homemade Dishwashing Detergent

Ok...So I was getting fed up with the nasty smell and taste of what my children's plastic drinking cups had when washed in the dishwasher. Call me crazy but if it smells like detergent and tastes like detergent chances are it probably still has detergent on it and is probably not so good for the insides. I scoured the internet and found a simple and frugal recipe. After testing it out I will NOT be returning to store bought ever again. Technically I guess you can say this is also "store bought" since the three ingredients must be bought in a store, but I think we all know what I mean. So here it is: Dishwashing Detergent. You MUST try it out. I had issues with clumping at first because I live in a humid environment but I scoured my house and found a couple of those "Do not eat" pouches and taped them to the lid of the plastic pitcher I used to store my detergent in. You might be surprised at where you would find those things: shoe boxes, pill bottles, or bread packs. I also placed an old metal spoon in there too and it seemed to help. All i all I am extremely impressed and my dishes come out sparkly clean, no residue and no smell. I am a happy mommy.

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